BIHR’s Human Rights Tour 2014 gets ready to go on the road

What is the Human Rights Tour? 2014 is the 4th year of our hugely successful Human Rights Tour. The idea is simple, go across the UK holding free to attend pop-up events in local communities, raising awareness about human rights, how they are relevant in everyday life & having a space for debate & discussion. Who is the Human Rights Tour for? It’s for you! Whether you are an individual, a voluntary sector worker or a public servant come along & join the conversation. What happens at the events? Our model for each pop-up uses a mix of presentations, discussions and interactive sessions, with some creative elements too! Between 10am – 4pm we’ll cover: Where do human rights come from? Our human rights history in 60 minutes! Human rights law for non-lawyers: Introduction to the Human Rights Act Making human rights work in your work: Applying human rights in real life situations  The human rights conversation: Human rights in the media, in p…

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .