Theresa May announces plans for election on June 8th 2017

On Tuesday 18 April 2017 Prime Minister Theresa May announced she would be seeking a General Election in the UK on 8 June 2017. You can find coverage of the statement on the BBC website, here.  This has raised many questions, not least how human rights and our protections will fare in the coming months. Responding to the announcement, Sanchita Hosali, Deputy Director of the British Institute of Human Rights, says: Today the Prime Minister announced that rather than working with our system of regular elections every five years, the government will be seeking a General Election in less than 2 months times on 8 June. A General Election at this time raises a number of potential concerns about the future of our human rights protections – rights which have been subject to considerable ire from both the government and the Prime Minister herself. Current policy commitments include “scrapping” the Human Rights Act, our UK law which sets the rules for how g…

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .