This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .
November 13th 2018, the launch of our learning disability, autism and human rights short films
On Tuesday the 13th of November, in the stunning Old Hall in Liverpool Cotton Exchange, we launched our Learning disability, Autism and Human Rights short films.
Made possible by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery, supported by the People’s Postcode Trust these 6 films and importantly the process of making them together with Mencap Liverpool show what human rights mean day to day for people with a learning disability and or autism.
There are 6 films in total. The first introduces the project and those involved. The following 5 films each approach a different relevant right from our UK Human Rights Act with each following the same structure.
Firstly, an explanation of the right and what’s covered within that under our domestic Human Rights Law. Then a role play of a real life story from one of our BIHR projects acted out by Mencap Liverpool members. Each role play tells the story of a person with a learning disability and/or autism suffering an infringement …