Statement of Senator Marco Rubio – April 6, 2019, Uyghur Freedom Rally

April 6, 2019

“I want to applaud the Uyghur Human Rights Project for organizing this rally to stand against the detention of a million or more Uyghurs in political education camps in China.  I applaud your efforts and will continue to work with you to end the horrific abuses being committed by the Chinese government and Communist Party.

We must all continue to speak with one voice on this issue. The Chinese government’s creation of a vast system of internment and surveillance cannot be tolerated in the 21st century.

As a U.S. Senator, I promise to continue shining a light on China’s brutal campaign against Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities, including the detainment of U.S. residents. Earlier this year, I re-introduced my bipartisan Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act. This bill not only condemns the gross human rights violations  in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, but also requires reporting on the involvement of Chinese companies in the construction and operation of the detention camps as well as Chinese efforts to intimidate or harass Americans here at home.  It is my hope that Congress will take up and pass this important bill and that President Trump will quickly sign it into law.

We must do all we can to hold accountable Chinese government officials who are responsible for the abuses. The Chinese government must understand clearly that the United States and the free world will not accept this behavior abroad or tolerate foreign interference against our citizens on American soil.”

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

This post was originally published on UYGHUR HUMAN RIGHTS PROJECT BLOG.