BIHR responds to the Independent Review of Administrative Law

26 October 2020 On Friday, we submitted evidence to the Independent Review of Administrative Law’s call for evidence. The Independent Review of Administrative Law (IRAL) is a panel set up by the Government to review the judicial review process. Judicial review is a type of legal case where a judge (or judges) reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public authority. Public authorities include, local councils, government departments and Ministers, police forces, regulators (such as the CQC) and health authorities. The judge does not decide if the original decision by the public authority was right or wrong; instead they look at the process of the decision making. You can read more about the panel and what judicial review is in our plain language Explainer: What is the Judicial Review Panel? Our evidence submission We at the British Institute of Human Rights are a charity working in communities across the UK to enable positive change through human rights. Our evidenc…

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .