BIHR Report Published: ‘Scared, Angry, Discriminatory, Out of my Control: DNAR Decision-Making in 2020’

23 December 2020 Today, we’ve published our report into DNAR decision-making in 2020 Head to our DNAR research landing page to read this research and our research with staff in health and care services. Click on the buttons below to access our reports – our Easy Read version and then the long report: EASY READ Scared, Angry, Discriminatory, Out of My Control: DNAR Decision-making in 2020 LONG REPORT Scared, Angry, Discriminatory, Out of My Control: DNAR Decision-making in 2020 The report shows a worrying picture around the rights of involvement in care and treatment decisions, including DNARs. Our evidence gathered with people and their families who have experienced DNAR decisions depicts serious issues of discrimination related to disability and age, and the intersection between the two, as well as other factors. Coronavirus has shone a spotlight on this, and some reported an increase in worrying DNAR decisions; but none of this is new, these problems are on…

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .