New claims of migrant abuse as Ice defies Biden to continue deportations

Ice condemned as ‘rogue agency’ after rights groups allege torture by agents and man deported to Haiti who had never been there

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) has been denounced as a “rogue agency” after new allegations of assaults on asylum seekers emerged, and deportations of African and Caribbean migrants continued in defiance of the Biden administration’s orders.

Joe Biden unveiled his immigration agenda on Tuesday, and his homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was confirmed by the Senate, but the continued deportations suggested the Biden White House still does not have full control of Ice, which faces multiple allegations of human rights abuses and allegations that it has disproportionately targeted black migrants.

Related: Trump administration to deport man to Haiti who has never been there

This is unacceptable. Ice must halt these flights at once

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This post was originally published on Human rights | The Guardian.