Online Tibet Action Primed For March 1

Online Tibet Action Primed For March 1

Image: @tibettruth

Starting March 1 we are running our online lobby in support of Tibetan national freedom.

Our subscribers and friends are invited to join this action. From the comfort of your lock-down lounge.

in just a few taps of your device you can send an important and powerful communication to your political representative, that ensures they are aware of Tibet and it status as an independent nation under an illegal occupation. Our target areas are the USA, the European Union and Britain.

It will run up to and including March 10, the date commemorating the 1959 Lhasa Uprising against Chinese rule.

Further posts will follow here containing our Action Pack, so keep it here and watch for updates.

You can also follow our Twitter crew @tibettruth who’ll be 24/7 on this.

Information will also be available on digitalactivism

This post was originally published on TIBET, ACTIVISM AND INFORMATION.