Victoria Derbyshire grills head of Society of Editors after he denies press racism

Victoria Derbyshire demonstrated why she’s one of the best journalists around as she refused to let the head of the Society of Editors dodge questions on press racism.

In an exchange on BBC News, Derbyshire asked Ian Murray:

You told me the British tabloid press was not bigoted. I’ve just given you some examples. You’re denying that those examples are racist, and I’m asking ‘why are you denying that?’

Murray then said “someone might make one comment about something” that he refused to call racist, after talking over Derbyshire throughout the interview. Derbyshire subsequently said:

But you’ve just told me the British press isn’t racist, and now you’re saying if you keep on looking you will find a racist needle in the haystack. So let me ask you again, are those headlines racist? Simple yes or no.

The interview prompted immediate praise for Derbyshire:

Tabloid racism

The British press has come under scrutiny for continual negative coverage of Markle that’s been called racist by many.

In a much-anticipated interview with Oprah Winfrey, prince Harry said tabloid racism was one of the main reasons the couple decided to leave the UK.

Frequent articles since their engagement have said things like Meghan has “exotic DNA“, or asked if Harry was marrying into “gangster royalty“.

Derbyshire’s show

Derbyshire used to have her own current affairs show broadcast on BBC Two. Victoria Derbyshire was highly praised, covering important stories such as learning disabilities, LGBTQI+ news, and domestic violence. It was cancelled in January 2020 to save money, with its last broadcast in March 2020.

This interview only highlights how Derbyshire is a journalist who’s not afraid to hold her interviewees to account, and makes the loss of her show even sadder.

Featured image via YouTube/BBC

By Jasmine Norden

This post was originally published on The Canary.