Sunrise Movement Responds to Senate Democrats Plan to Stall Infrastructure Package, Says Democrats are Tying Their Own Hands

WASHINGTON – In response to the news today that Senate Democrats are trying to slow down the infrastructure package, Ellen Sciales, Press Secretary of the Sunrise Movement, released the following statement:

“The fact that Senate Democrats are already placing time and cost constraints on an infrastructure package is outrageous. Democrats always maintain they have big, bold ideas but claim their hands are tied by Republicans. In reality, Democrats are tying their own hands. Senator Carper and other Democrats are choosing political inaction instead of pushing for the infrastructure package and economic recovery package that millions of Americans need right now.

“It’s honestly no surprise that Senator Carper, a millionaire politician, is out of touch with what Americans need. Last week he voted down a $15 minimum wage, which would have given 24 million workers a badly needed raise, and this week he’s stalling on a much needed economic recovery. It is clear that Senator Carper is deeply out of touch with working people, and his ignorance is hurting people across the country. It is time for him and other Senate Democrats to stop standing in the way and start delivering on Biden’s promise to build back better.

“Biden just passed a historic and massive relief package and it is incredibly popular. Now, Democrats must keep the momentum up with an infrastructure package that not only supports people around the country who are acutely suffering, but also rebuilds our crumbling infrastructure, which has been weathered down for decades by disinvestment and privatization. We need Congress to deliver an economic recovery package by the end of the first 100 days that matches the scale of the crises we face and invests at least $10 trillion towards creating millions of good jobs to stop the climate crisis and build back better. 

“If we don’t get started on this now, the suffering will only intensify and the costs will only be higher. No one batted an eye when Republicans gave trillions of dollars in tax cuts to CEOs and their elite friends, so why are Democrats like Senator Carper now so stressed about the price tag of helping working people?” 

Last week, the Sunrise Movement launched their Good Jobs for All campaign, which calls for a federal jobs guarantee to create millions of jobs to combat the climate crisis, and transform our economy and society.

This post was originally published on Radio Free.