Colors of Punjab Cultural Day in Riyadh.

Zaka Mohsin, Riyadh,

The Punjab Cultural Day celebrations organized by the elders of political parties in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia. Participants from Pakhtunkhwa described the tradition of celebrating Punjab Day as good will gesture and said that Pakistan is a collection of different cultures and is like a bouquet whose fragrance is spread all over the world.

On this occasion, the participants said that the cultural colors of the whole of Pakistan, including Punjab, are our own. Pakistan is a beautiful collection of different nations, all of which have their own cultural colors. In the same way, we should continue the tradition of celebrating each other’s cultures so that people of the four provinces, including Kashmir, can promote harmony and trust.

Referring to the Punjab Cultural Day, the participants said that Pakistanis living abroad have always been abroad and have strengthened the ideal unity and mutual relations and are determined to move forward together.

This post was originally published on VOSA.