HRC46 Oral Statement on Item 2: Adoption of the Universal Periodic Review Outcomes of Mongolia

46th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council

Item 2: Adoption of the Universal Periodic Review Outcomes of Mongolia

Oral Statement Delivered by Tawan Rattanaprapaporn

On behalf of the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)

Tuesday, 16 March 2021


Madam President,

FORUM-ASIA appreciates that Mongolia has accepted 170 out of 190 UPR recommendations as well as the inclusion of civil society in the process of drafting the government’s UPR report.

We welcome that Mongolia accepted recommendations to expedite the adoption of a law protecting human rights defenders. However, we note that human rights defenders and environmental defenders continue to face threats and intimidation. The government must develop a clear timeline for the passage of this law and ensure meaningful participation of human rights defenders and civil society, including those in rural and remote areas, in this process.

Despite the acceptance of recommendations related to freedom of expression, we are concerned that recent developments including the recent amendments to criminalise dissemination of false information continue to hinder freedom of expression. Defamation clauses have been widely used against journalists and the media, and this amendment only raises fears that it could be used to target dissenters. We call for its immediate repeal.

We call on the government to ensure that all legislation and regulations concerning civil society and NGOs comply with international human rights standards. Civil society play a vital role in holding the government accountable and should be able to operate without undue restrictions and unwarranted interference or fear of reprisals.

We welcome the efforts to protect the environment, including the expansion of protected land to cover areas under threat. Such actions are commendable, but more must be done. We echo recommendations to finalise in a consultative manner a National Action Plan that prioritises the respect and protection of human rights and the environment in line with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

We call on Mongolia to develop a time-bound action plan with participation of civil society for the implementation of UPR recommendations.

Thank you.


For a PDF version of this statement, click here

This post was originally published on FORUM-ASIA.