BIHR Responds… to the Mental Health Act Consultation

21 April 2021 Today, we submitted our response to the government’s consultation on reforming the Mental Health Act (MHA). In January 2021, the UK Government published a White Paper setting out reform proposals intended to tackle issues with the MHA. Our submission works through some of the key human rights issues associated with the reform proposals, amplifying the voices of the people we work with and setting out what’s required for these reforms to ensure the human rights protections of people and their loved ones accessing or trying to access mental health services.   Our submission is clear: The 2017-2018 Review of the Mental Health Act (MHA) in England and Wales shone a spotlight on human rights issues that the people we work with have lived experience of. To have real impact on the rights of those accessing/trying to access mental health services, the proposals must be properly implemented, staff fully supported and adequate funding provided. The…

This post was originally published on British Institute of Human Rights News .