In devastating report, human rights experts call on International Criminal Court prosecutor to open an immediate investigation
The systematic killing and maiming of unarmed African Americans by police amount to crimes against humanity that should be investigated and prosecuted under international law, an inquiry into US police brutality by leading human rights lawyers from around the globe has found.
A week after the former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder in George Floyd’s death, the unabated epidemic of police killings of Black men and women in the US has now attracted scorching international attention.
Related: Before Chauvin: decades of Minneapolis police violence that failed to spark reform
violating its international human rights obligations, both in terms of laws governing policing and in the practices of law enforcement officers, including traffic stops targeting Black people and race-based stop and frisk;
tolerating an “alarming national pattern of disproportionate use of deadly force not only by firearms but also by Tasers” against Black people;
operating a “culture of impunity” in which police officers are rarely held accountable while their homicidal actions are dismissed as those of just “a few bad apples”.
I was taken aback that this country, which claims to be a global champion of human rights, itself fails to comply with international law
When [Nate] was killed, every hope and dream in my head was destroyed, taken and relegated to a statistic
Continue reading…This post was originally published on Human rights | The Guardian.