Ep. 176: Life After Fast Food Hell; How Chuck Carroll Went Vegan

At age 27, Chuck Carroll was so addicted to fast food he thought he wouldn’t see age 30. He has since lost 300 pounds and kept it off with a vegan diet. In conversation with Emil Guillermo, Carroll talks about how he did it, and how it led to his hosting, “The Exam Room,” the podcast of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). Carroll talks about how he has become vegan and how veganism has led him to a new awareness for ethical eating.

The PETA Podcast

PETA, the world’s largest animal rights organization, is 6.5 million strong and growing. This is the place to find out why. Hear from insiders, thought leaders, activists, investigators, politicians, and others why animals need more than kindness—they have the right not to be abused or exploited in any way.

Hosted by Emil Guillermo. Powered by PETA activism.

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Originally released June 16, 2021

copyright 2021

This post was originally published on THE PETA PODCAST.