Tribute to BB on 68th birthday in KSA for her public and political service.

Zaka Mohsin, Saudi Arabia,

Pakistan Peoples Party organized a birthday party of former Prime Minister Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed in Saudi Arabia in which participants paid tributes on her political and public services

Speaking at a function participants said that BB Shaheed was unique like her name. She came to power and worked for the betterment and prosperity of the country and the nation, while creating new enthusiasm and zeal in the PPP workers.

She also effectively pursued foreign policy at the international level, acknowledged Pakistan’s position globally on the Kashmir issue speakers added.

The people of Pakistan, including overseas Pakistanis, pay tribute to Benazir Bhutto for her political and public service and we will never forget her services for democracy. Ahsan Abbasi, Younis Abu Ghalib, Wasim Sajid, Sardar Razzaq, Sadaqat Hussain, Sardar Naseer, Rana Adeel, Sharif Baloch Bhutto, Riaz Rathore and others spoke on the occasion.

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This post was originally published on VOSA.