Introducing The Daly Report with Curtis Daly

Meet our new political commentator Curtis Daly, who will be talking about the issues that matter to you in a weekly video series that will air across our social media channels every Wednesday evening. Comment with your thoughts and topics that you would like to see Curtis cover.

Welcome to The Daly Report, with me Curtis Daly, where each week I’ll be talking about the issues that matter to you.

First, let’s take a look at the state of Britain today and how we got here.

In 2008, the whole financial world came crashing down. JP Morgan, Citibank, and Lehman Brothers were some of many that sold dodgy mortgages to people who just wanted a home. This practise and along with deregulating the financial market passed by successive governments, allowed the big banks to do as they please, whilst everyone else suffered.

What happened in the aftermath? In this country, the Conservative government allowed those very same bankers to receive extraordinarily large bonuses, and made the rest of us suffer through draconian austerity.

For ten years our government has put the burden on all of us for the mistakes of the wealthy fat cats at the top.  Our public services have been gutted, cutting an already inadequate welfare state plunging millions into destitution, and our NHS is at breaking point.

Fast forward to today, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we find ourselves in another crisis. Once again, capitalism has shown its deep flaws. Once again, the Conservatives still prove that they don’t value human life. Just over 128,000 deaths due to mishandling, and outright neglect from the very people who are supposed to protect us.

Our government is still making the same mistakes over and over again, with no functioning opposition to this madness.

Why does this keep happening? It’s simple – our media.

The mainstream media no longer holds those in power to account; it is completely and utterly broken. The mainstream political commentators would rather talk about ‘woke culture’ than the real issues.

In the year 2021, the 5th richest nation in the world we still have thousands living on the streets. Food bank parcels have increased to over 2.5 million – that’s an incredible 132% increase from 2015 and a shameful amount of children are living in poverty. Inequality has exploded. While Jeff Bezos is buying more yachts, ordinary working class people are struggling to pay their way.

The establishment media doesn’t care, and why would they? Corporate backed outlets are full of inside journalists who cosy up to the government, and the most powerful. It doesn’t hold those at the top to account, it protects them.

That’s where The Canary comes in. As a reader and viewer supported independent media organisation, we are fighting for truth and justice. We don’t rely on dirty corporate money or favours from Rupert Murdoch.

We don’t protect those with vested interests. Rather, we cut through all the noise of the mainstream media and provide a real alternative.

We care about inequality, we care about eradicating poverty, and we care about human rights.

So tune in to The Daly Report, coming  to you weekly by me, Curtis Daly.

By Curtis Daly

This post was originally published on The Canary.