Kerry-Anne Mendoza: ‘The reason for my leaving is personal and simple…’

It is with great sadness that we prepare to say farewell to The Canary’s co-founder and editor-at-large, Kerry-Anne Mendoza, at the end of this month. Kerry-Anne has recorded a message for you all.

In her own words, Kerry-Anne needs to leave the front line for a period of time, in order to continue her mental health recovery. She will step down as editor-at-large and director, handing her shares in parent company Canary Media Limited over to colleagues.

Kerry-Anne will rejoin the fray when she is ready. Whatever role she plays in the future, we are sure she will continue to be a leading force in the fight against injustice in our world.

The whole team wishes Kerry-Anne well; we and Canaries past owe her a great debt of gratitude for the guidance, training and wisdom she has so generously shared.

The Canary continues, ever committed to our aims, and we do so with the support of our loyal readers.

Kerry-Anne leaves in the knowledge that The Canary is in safe hands. Editor-in-chief Drew Rose, chief operating officer Nancy Mendoza, senior editor Emily Apple, and the rest of the leadership team are already steering The Canary through new developments and initiatives. From the perspective of our readers, the transition will be completely seamless, and has already been under way for some weeks.

Please join us in the comments to wish Kerry-Anne well, and leave any messages of encouragement.

By Nancy Mendoza

This post was originally published on The Canary.