On Wednesday, July 21, across California, rideshare drivers with Rideshare Drivers United are going on a one-day strike against the exploitative practices of tech giants Uber and Lyft (which have only gotten worse since the passage of Prop 22 in November), and to demand Congress pass the PRO Act. We talk with Ahmad Ibrahim Moss, a rideshare driver in San Francisco, about how drivers’ pay, conditions, and work experience has changed since the passage of Prop 22 (and before), and we talk about the dark truth at the center of the “gig economy.”
Additional links/info below…
- Rideshare Drivers United website, Facebook, page, and Twitter, page
- Working People, “This Could Change Everything (w/ Veena Dubal“
- The Gravel Institute, “How Uber is Scamming You (w/ Edward Ongweso Jr.)“
- Edward Ongweso Jr., Vice, “Uber, Lyft Give California GOP Millions While Fighting Driver Reclassification“
- Veena Dubal, Dissent, “Digital Piecework“
- Veena Dubal, Berkley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, “The Drive to Precarity: A Political History of Work, Regulation, & Labor Advocacy in San Francisco’s Taxi & Uber Economies“
Permanent links below…
- Working People Patreon page
- Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
- Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
- In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
- The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive: freemusicarchive.org)
- Jules Taylor, “Working People Theme Song”
This post was originally published on In These Times.