Of Spirits, Martyrs & Legends: the Magic & Sorrow of Vietnam’s Côn Sơn Island

This tropical paradise was a penal colony during the French colonial era and the US War in Vietnam.  For 22,000 Vietnamese and some Cambodians, Côn Sơn Island was literally the last stop on a journey that began with their arrest and incarceration on the mainland. Their crime? Resisting the foreign invader du jour and fighting for their country’s independence and unification. In addition to execution, causes of death included disease and torture. More

The post Of Spirits, Martyrs & Legends: the Magic & Sorrow of Vietnam’s Côn Sơn Island appeared first on CounterPunch.org.

This content originally appeared on CounterPunch.org and was authored by Mark Ashwill.

This post was originally published on Radio Free.