Please see the following statement from PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo regarding the appointment of Dr. Lawrence Tabak as interim director of the National Institutes of Health:
PETA welcomes President Joe Biden’s choice of Dr. Lawrence Tabak as interim director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and takes it as an indicator that he will likely appoint someone who has a modern approach to science and turns a skeptical eye to traditional funding of animal experiments that have demonstrably failed. NIH is crying out to be rid of taxpayer waste and archaic research methods, and it desperately needs someone with fresh ideas who will embrace technology and cutting-edge science, such as organs-on-a-chip, 3-D tissue models, and supercomputers.
PETA “dinosaurs”—who have been following the president, urging him to bring NIH out of the scientific Stone Age—will be out celebrating this interim choice for NIH chief in front of the White House today, 3 p.m. at Pennsylvania Avenue NW and 16th Street NW. We will continue to press for the implementation of the Research Modernization Deal, PETA scientists’ strategy for replacing animals with human-relevant methods.
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