ICNA Relief activities during Mass funeral of Bronx fire victims.


Thousands attend mass funerals of Bronx residential complex fire victims. ICNA Relief the largest welfare and social organization in US setup the camps to assist the funeral attendees. Chief Operating Officer-C.O.O. ICNA Relief, Abdul Rauf Khan specially arrived to Bronx, New York from Florida to attend the Mass Funeral prayers.In-charge of North East ICNA Relief, Arshad Jamal, and in-charge Bronx ICNA Relief, Shabir Gul, along with dozens of volunteers guides the attendees of funeral prayers and distributed warm clothes, tea, coffee and hot meals among the participants.While, talking with Vosa Tv, C.O.O. ICNA Relief Abdul Rauf Khan has said that the whole community is saddened by this tragic incident. The ICNA Relief team has been with the victim’s family since day one and today our team is also with the attendees at the funeral prayers and try our level best to assist the attendees.

C.O.O., ICNA Relief announced on the occasion that Representatives of ICNA Relief were also travel to Gambia to attend the funeral prayers.


Read also

Mass funeral of Bronx residential complex held in New York.

This post was originally published on VOSA.