News24 airs 2015 video of port explosion in China as Russia bombing Ukraine

Amidst Russia’s ongoing military operations in Ukraine, a video of an explosion has been linked to the crisis. Viral claims suggest that the video shows Russia bombing Ukraine.


Posted by Sandeep Gupta on Wednesday, 23 February 2022

The video was picked up by Hindi news channel News24.

The same video was part of another News24 broadcast where it was again played as heavy “bombing” in Ukraine by Russia.

Old video from China

We broke down the viral video into keyframes and ran one of the stills through Google reverse image search. This led us to various news reports about a port explosion in China in 2015. We checked a news broadcast by CBS and noticed some similarities to the viral video.

Taking this broadcast as a clue, we performed a keyword search on YouTube and came across the full video on BBC News’s YouTube channel. The video was recorded by an American tourist named Dan Van Duren.

Hence, a video of an explosion in China in 2015 was part of News24’s broadcast of the Ukraine-Russia conflict. News24 has aired multiple instances of misinformation on the Ukraine crisis that can be read here and here.

The post News24 airs 2015 video of port explosion in China as Russia bombing Ukraine appeared first on Alt News.

This post was originally published on Alt News.