Freedom Square

This week, we review the chaotic and horrific developments in Putin’s war against Ukraine. We cover the West finally sanctioning Russia and beginning to isolate it from positions of geopolitical power; Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons; the protests in support of Ukraine that broke out all over the world, in particular in independent states that were once colonized by the Soviet Union; the shameful and unforgivable role Kremlin media lackeys played in abetting Kremlin violence in Ukraine and Syria; and what NATO and the West should do to protect Ukrainians trying to flee to the border.

Most of all, we discuss the toll this war has taken on the people of Ukraine. While their resilience is inspiring, it is also tragic. Putin’s escalated invasion was predictable and therefore preventable. The West owes Ukraine every bit of support it can give them after decades of looking the other way while taking Russian oligarch blood money

This post was originally published on Gaslit Nation with Andrea Chalupa and Sarah Kendzior.