[HRC49 Side Event] Justice and Accountability for Myanmar: Expectations and Possibilities

Date: Tuesday, 22 March 2021
Time: 10.00 – 11.30 CEST / 16.00 – 17.30 Bangkok time
Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rTYTAFyYS-WwK3s_sgszdQ
Live via: Zoom, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Interpretation: Burmese interpretation available on Zoom

Over one year since the Myanmar military initiated a violent coup d’état, the military’s brutal attempt to take power from the people of Myanmar has failed. Against all odds, the people of Myanmar continue to resist the Myanmar military, steadfastly demonstrating the strong will of the people of Myanmar in face of grave human rights violations committed against them.

The human rights situation in Myanmar is facing a nadir. The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights have stated that the Myanmar military has engaged in systematic and widespread human rights violations, which may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Yet, the international community, including the UN, has not responded with the immediacy and concerted effort that is needed to address the grave crimes committed by the military. Victims and survivors of grave crimes – past and present – have yet to see justice as perpetrators continue to enjoy total impunity, as they have enjoyed for decades, without being held to account.

Against this backdrop, a representative of the National Unity Government – formed by democratically-elected representatives chosen by the Myanmar people in the 2020 general elections – and civil society organizations will offer updates on the human rights situation in Myanmar. Discussion will be followed by analysis and recommendations from the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar, comprised of former UN mandate holders on the human rights situation in Myanmar. The side event will reflect on the Human Rights Council’s response to Myanmar during its 49th Regular Session while identifying opportunities for future Council sessions towards justice and accountability for grave crimes committed in Myanmar.


  • Aung Myo Min, Minister for Human Rights, National Unity Government of Myanmar
  • Marzuki Darusman, Member of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar and Former Chair of the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar
  • Salai Za Uk, Deputy Executive Director, Chin Human Rights Organization
  • Naw Htoo Htoo, Programme Director, Karen Human Rights Group
  • Razia Sultana, Rohingya Human Rights Activist Founder of RW Welfare Society

Moderator: Khin Ohmar, Founder and Chairperson, Progressive Voice

This is a UN side event at the UN Human Rights Council 49th Regular Session organised by FORUM-ASIA and Progressive Voice.

Media contact: For more information or to set up an interview with any of the speakers, please contact Adam Ahmed, FORUM-ASIA adam@forum-asia.org or Rin Fujimatsu, Progressive Voice rin@progressive-voice.org.

This post was originally published on FORUM-ASIA.