Germany: Amazon Workers Strike Over Pay, Data Protection

The German trade union Verdi on Monday launched strikes at seven Amazon locations across the country, with up to 2,500 workers demanding higher wages and better protection of their personal data.

A Verdi spokesman said strikes were underway at the two distribution centers in Bad Hersfeld as well as in Koblenz, Leipzig, Rheinberg, Graben and Werne. Some strikes would last several days, he said.  

Amazon has 17 distribution sites across the country. The trade union has been trying for almost 10 years to force Amazon to pay workers according to the going rates for retail and mail-order workers. 

Amazon has persisted in paying them as logistics services providers.

In addition, workers are demanding information about personal data about them that has possibly been recorded by the company.

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This post was originally published on PopularResistance.Org.