Biden Vacillates As Venezuela’s Maduro Gains Ground

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s repeated calls for dialogue with the U.S. in order to normalize relations seem to be paying off.

His openness to rapprochement contrasts with the Biden administration’s nebulousness regarding the degree to which Washington is willing to recognize Maduro as president (full diplomatic recognition is out of the question).

Biden’s use of sanctions as a bargaining chip to wrest concessions from Caracas is a harder sell than former President Donald Trump’s regime-change narrative on the basis of the preposterous Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle, sometimes referred to as “humanitarian intervention.”

Over the last two months, the flip flops and timidity of the Biden administration have been put on full display.

The post Biden Vacillates As Venezuela’s Maduro Gains Ground appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.

This post was originally published on PopularResistance.Org.