Ep. 669 – Why it stings to learn the US has given Ukraine $15.2 billion while Jackson & Flint don’t have clean water

I loathe what Russia is doing to Ukraine. It’s wrong. It’s criminal. They’ve forced millions of people to become refugees while killing thousands of people and leveling entire cities. Countries should be supporting Ukraine. That’s not the rub.

The rub is that Ukraine has now received $15.2 billion (not the $8 billion people keep quoting) while it would cost just $1 billion to completely solve the water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi. It would cost $1.5 billion to do the same in Flint, Michigan.

And it continues to seem, in the words of Tupac, that this place has money for war, but won’t feed the poor.

It’s despicable and dangerous that ANY American city would be without clean water. People in Jackson are literally being told to shower with their mouths closed. What are we doing here? How could that be?

Yes, every single statewide official in Mississippi is a Republican, but this is more than a partisan fight. The US government needs to own problems like this and just pay what’s needed to permanently fix them.

This post was originally published on The Breakdown with Shaun King.