Video: Ukraine Gives Thanks as Wounded Dog and Cat Refugees Are Treated in New Vet Clinic

Catch this wonderful message from Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Animal Rescue Kharkiv (ARK) has been pulling animals out of shelled buildings and rescuing abandoned cats and dogs in eastern Ukraine since the war started. It provides veterinary care even though large sections of its clinic were reduced to rubble as a result of being hit by Russian missiles. Now, thanks to wonderful Global Compassion Fund supporters, it’s able to give lifesaving care and shelter to even more animals in a newly rebuilt clinic—especially vital now that Ukraine’s temperatures have dropped to below zero! Watch below as ARK gives a heartwarming, festive duzhe dyakuyu (“thanks very much”):

PETA Germany and ARK are evacuating animals from eastern Ukraine, only about a kilometer (or a half-mile) from the Russian border. Many abandoned dogs and cats are in desperate need of food as well as veterinary care for wounds, things these two brave groups’ ground “troops” will continue to provide as long as necessary and despite all odds.

If you’d like to help animals around the world this winter, please donate to the Global Compassion Fund today.

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This post was originally published on Animal Rights and Campaign News | PETA.