Will Top Oscar®️ Nominees Help PETA End Monkey Experiments?

Ahead of the Oscars®️, PETA is offering the jet-setting nominees custom travel pillows featuring a monkey’s face and a plea to stop experiments on monkeys in laboratories as part of the annual “Everyone Wins” Nominee Gift Bags.

As Lash Fary, founder of the gifting company Distinctive Assets, explains in a new PSA, countless monkeys have been abducted from their homes in nature or bred in captivity on factory farms and then exported to labs to be tormented and killed in useless experiments. However, in a landmark move following a PETA campaign, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service put a swift end to the importation of monkeys from around the world to U.S. laboratories until DNA testing can prove they weren’t smuggled into the country.

“While Hollywood A-listers were comfortably seated in first class, monkeys were being crammed into airplane cargo holds and shipped to their deaths,” says PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange. “The animal experimentation industry is driving monkey species to extinction and causing mass suffering, so PETA is looking to the top Oscar®️ nominees to join our work to end this cruelty.”

Unfortunately, monkeys are still bred in the U.S. and killed for pointless experiments, so every nominee who uses their pillow will bring us a step closer to ending cruel tests on animals. These animals, often endangered, are cut open, poisoned, mutilated, addicted to drugs, or electroshocked. Nominees—and the public—can help end this cruelty by urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to shut down the monkey-abduction pipeline permanently.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to experiment on”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit PETA.org, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

Note: The “Everyone Wins” Nominee Gift Bags are NOT affiliated in any way with the OSCARS®️ or the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which does not award, sponsor, endorse, or provide these gift bags. Neither the Academy nor Distinctive Assets wants there to be any association between the “Everyone Wins” Nominee Gift Bags and the OSCARS®️ or the Academy.

The post Will Top Oscar®️ Nominees Help PETA End Monkey Experiments? appeared first on PETA.

This post was originally published on Animal Rights and Campaign News | PETA.