Ep. 280: PETA and The Fight To Save Lolita the Orca from Miami Seaquarium

Jared Goodman,attorney for the PETA Foundation talks to Emil Guillermo about Lolita the Orca who has been trapped in a miniscule tank at the Miami Seaquarium. Lolita’s legal odyssey may soon be over.

Go to PETA.org for more.

The PETA Podcast

PETA, the world’s largest animal rights organization with all its global entities, is 9 million strong and growing. This is the place to find out why. Hear from insiders, thought leaders, activists, investigators, politicians, and others why animals need more than kindness—they have the right not to be abused or exploited in any way.

Hosted by Emil Guillermo. Powered by PETA activism.

Contact us at PETA.org Listen to the very first PETA podcast with Ingrid Newkirk Music provided by CarbonWorks. Go to Apple podcasts and subscribe. 

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Thanks for listening to THE PETA PODCAST!

 (Originally released June 14, 2023).

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This post was originally published on THE PETA PODCAST.