RootsAction Statement on Biden Trip to Israel

While tragic events have escalated in Israel and Gaza for more than 10 days, Joe Biden has proven himself to be a leader far more interested in supporting one side of the conflict than seriously weighing in for diplomacy and de-escalation.

In response to the heinous Hamas assault, Biden quickly pledged to “stand with Israel” and provide Israel everything it needed to “respond to this attack.” Predictably, as in the past, Israel responded with horrific aerial bombardment of Gaza, striking apartment buildings, schools, ambulance convoys and civilians obeying Israel’s orders to flee southward. While Israel denies responsibility for the attack on the Al-Ahli Hospital, its air strikes have indisputably killed several thousand civilians, with many more casualties occurring daily.

Amid the ongoing bombardment of Gaza, Biden is now visiting Israel in a one-sided show of support – as a “true friend of Israel” – meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, perhaps the most openly racist, rejectionist prime minister in Israel’s history. Unlike many world leaders, President Biden has refused to publicly call for a ceasefire. And the Biden administration has publicly given a green light to Israel’s planned ground invasion that is certain to take many more civilian lives.

We call on the Biden administration to reverse course and push Israel toward an immediate ceasefire. Continued bombing of Gaza will only accelerate the cycle of violence and misery, as will an Israeli ground invasion. President Biden has yet to give any sign that he has the moral courage to lead the way in saving thousands of lives in Palestine and Israel.

This post was originally published on Common Dreams.