You Won’t Want to Miss This: Jump Into ‘Auction’ for Animals!

You Won’t Want to Miss This: Jump Into Auction for Animals!

It’s PETA’s Biggest Auction of the Year—Here’s How You Can Join In

These Prizes Will Blow You Away: Don’t Miss PETA’s End-of-Year Auction

What Could You Win at PETA’s Auction This Year? Check It Out

What Can You Win at PETA’s Auction? Check Out the Prizes Now!

Don’t Wait! Jump Into Auction for Animals—See What You Can Win

Don’t Wait! Find Out Which Spectacular Items You Could Win While Helping Animals

This Auction Has Something for Everyone—What Will You Bid on First?

How Can You Help Animals Before the End of the Year? Bid in PETA’s Auction!

Learn How You Can Win a Spectacular Vacation and More—While Helping Animals

You Can Help Animals and Win Jaw-Dropping Prizes—Here’s How!


Vegan vacations, bespoke paintings, cooking classes, giftboxes, and more are waiting for you during PETA’s end-of-year auction. Each prize helps animals, so what will you bid on first?


There’s something for everyone at PETA’s first-ever “Jump Into Auction for Animals.” The only question is what will you bid on first?


Animals are the biggest winners at PETA’s end-of-year fundraiser. Don’t miss your chance to bid before December 4!




The post You Won’t Want to Miss This: Jump Into ‘Auction’ for Animals! appeared first on PETA.

This post was originally published on Animal Rights and Campaign News | PETA.