DUBAI, UAE – COP28 must deliver an agreement to phase out fossil fuels – and Canadian governments have an important role to play. On the first official day of COP28 Environmental Defence will be hosting a press conference to lay out our expectations. Speakers will address why COP needs to land an agreement to phase out fossils, how a Canadian Peetroprovince, Big Oil and Finance are stalling action and promoting dangerous distractions that put Indigenous communities at further risk (like carbon capture and carbon markets) and what Canadian Premiers with little interest in taking climate action are doing at COP.
- Julia Levin, Environmental Defence Canada
- Julie Segal, Environmental Defence Canada
- Caroline Brouillette, Climate Action Network Canada
- Tzeporah Berman, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty and Stand.earth
- Carole Monture, Indigenous Climate Action
- Joe Vipond, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment & Calgary Climate Hub
In Person: Press Conference Room 2 – Zone B6 – Building 77
Virtual: https://unfccc.int/event/environmental-defence-canada
When: Thursday November 30th, 5:30-6PM GST
ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE (environmentaldefence.ca): Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.
For more information or to request an interview, please contact:
Alex Ross, Environmental Defence, media@environmentaldefence.ca
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This post was originally published on Environmental Defence.