A Vote for a Commission is a Vote to Cut Social Security

Today, the House Budget Committee voted to advance the so-called “Fiscal Commission Act of 2023”. Every Republican present voted for the commission.

VIDEO: During the hearing, Social Security Works Executive Director Alex Lawson delivered over half a million petitions opposing the commission. Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) responded by having Lawson arrested.

The following is a statement from Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Works, in response to the final vote:

“Republicans are plowing ahead with their closed-door commission designed to cut Social Security and Medicare. Many of the Republicans tried to claim that was not their goal, but they tellingly voted down Democratic amendments to rule out cutting those programs and instead require billionaires to pay their fair share.

The vast majority of Democrats on the committee rightfully opposed the commission. Shame on the handful of exceptions: Reps. Scott Peters (D-CA), Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR). They have stabbed the American people in the back, and undermined President Joe Biden.

The White House has rightfully referred to the commission as a ‘death panel for Medicare and Social Security.’ That is the position of the Democratic Party. Moreover, it is indisputable that Social Security doesn’t add a penny to the deficit.

Despite that, Republicans will now try to claim the mantle of ‘bipartisanship’ for the commission based on receiving a handful of votes from fringe corporate Democrats (one of whom is retiring).

President Biden, Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) should quickly demolish that narrative by slamming the commission. There’s nothing bipartisan about cutting Social Security and Medicare behind closed doors.”

Those opposed to the commission include:

This post was originally published on Common Dreams.