Workers fighting for justice take TUC to employment tribunal

The following is an opinion article from Darren Lewis & Grzegorz Lepiarz.

On Tuesday 27 February 2024, the Employment Tribunal will begin wading through a catalogue of errors to ascertain if they agree with our belief – that after 25 years of collective service, we were unfairly and unlawfully dismissed by Trades Union Congress (TUC) in August 2022 after nine months of torturing suspension.

We were denied access to vital evidence, key witnesses and documents.

We have donated hundreds of pounds and incalculable personal time to deserving causes and yet we were dismissed based on what we believe to be TUC manufactured allegations against us which led to our dismissals for supposed gross misconduct.

We are jointly suing TUC for unfair and wrongful dismissal. We believe that even if there was a genuine case against us, the sanction is disproportionate. Additionally Darren is suing TUC for race discrimination, breach of contract and holiday pay but we believe this case is beyond just those charges. Hopefully it will show root problems inside the TUC which led us to this moment.

TUC must respond positively

Our fight at the Employment Tribunal is for anyone who believes in trade unions and expects to be represented with fairness by their union. If members cannot reasonably rely on our trade unions in our hour of greatest need, what is the point of being fee-paying members – especially at the TUC – the home of the trade union movement?

John McDonnell MP has written to support us. He said:

I can only hope that even at this late stage the TUC responds positively to resolve your case.

We are confident that the Employment Tribunal will make a right judgement, but it is vital that you join us for the open to public hearing as our fight is your fight!

Support our crowdfunder here.

You can read more about our case here.

Follow us on Twitter here.

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By The Canary

This post was originally published on Canary.