We Must Stop the Campellville Quarry

Campbellville and Milton citizens protest a quarry

This is a guest blog by George Minakakis, Chair of ACTION Milton and Campbellville resident. 


In the heart of Milton, a looming threat endangers the very essence of community life. The proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry is more than just a local issue – it’s a call to protect our fundamental right to clean drinking water, fresh air, and a safe living environment.

Aerial image of the area where the Campbellville Quarry could be built

The stakes couldn’t be higher. The quarry’s potential approval threatens to contaminate Milton and Campbellville’s water supply and degrade our air quality. Imagine 60,000 gravel truck trips each year, stirring dust, disrupting quiet neighborhoods and compromising the safety of everyone – school children, cyclists, pedestrians and countless commuters along Highway 401. Moreover, blasting operations proposed alarmingly close (100 meters) to the highway could lead to disastrous consequences.

Our community leaders in Milton and the region have taken a stand, formally opposing the quarry. Even Premier Ford has voiced opposition against this quarry, emphasizing its rejection during public meetings and through statements by local political representatives.

Despite this, pursuit of this environmentally and socially disruptive project continues, squandering taxpayer money and government resources. This undermines our community’s well-being and ignores the unanimous opposition by citizens and elected officials at all levels.

We cannot stand by as the voices of Milton and Campbellville are drowned out by the agendas of a few. Send a clear message to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario: End the Reid Road Reservoir Quarry project. Stop the wasteful environmental assessment, deny the licensing and transform these lands into conservation areas for all Ontarians to enjoy.

Sign our petition now and send to 10 of your friends who live in Ontario. Ask them to send it on.


ACTION Milton was formed in 2018 when James Dick Construction applied for a quarry licence and boasted they would be up and running within a year. Our first big community meeting had more than 350 people in attendance and raised more than $150,000.  In July 2020 in Milton, Premier Doug Ford promised that the proposed Reid Road Reservoir Quarry in Campbellville would not go ahead due to steadfast opposition from many residents and the municipality.

Milton town council recentley unanimously passed a motion calling on Ford to make good on his pledge and quash the project, which the municipality has opposed since its inception despite the project site being zoned for aggregate extraction and prior gravel pit activity.   

Opponents of the project have cited concerns about dust, explosions and possible groundwater contamination since the proposed quarry would reach past the water table and require underwater blasting.

George is the founder of Inception Retail Group, an author, advisor, keynote speaker, and a former CEO & country manager with multinational companies in Canada, the USA and China.

The post We Must Stop the Campellville Quarry appeared first on Environmental Defence.

This post was originally published on Environmental Defence.