Just Stop Oil issue an airport-shaped ultimatum to Keir Starmer just as summer holidays begin

The following is a comment piece from Just Stop Oil

Just Stop Oil has won its initial demand, calling for the UK government to end all new oil, gas and coal licences – but it does not go far enough. So, the group will be disrupting airports this summer.

Just Stop Oil: airports will be disrupted

The ending of new fossil fuels licences is a welcome step in the right direction. However, the science is abundantly clear that this will not be enough to protect our families and communities from the worst effects of the climate crisis. Current climate policies have been declared unlawful in the High Court, not once but twice. The scientific consensus is telling us that fossil fuels must remain in the ground if we are to maintain any sort of stable society.

It is imperative that the UK government act to protect lives both here and abroad. It must work with other nations to establish a legally binding treaty to stop extracting and burning oil, gas and coal by 2030, as well as supporting and financing other countries to make a fair and just transition.

Just Stop Oil wrote to all party leaders on 24 June, advising that the next prime minister must immediately commit the UK government to working with other nations to establish such a treaty. We indicated that unless such assurances were provided by 12 July, supporters of Just Stop Oil would be forced to take action to protect our communities. This would be by engaging in a campaign of noncooperation against fossil fuel use, at airports across the country.

As of yet, no such assurances have been received. Therefore Just Stop Oil supporters will be taking action at airports this summer.

Expect us

This is not a course of action undertaken lightly. However, action from governments must be commensurate with the scale of the crisis faced by humanity. Until that is the case, it is on the conscience of every ordinary citizen to utilise whatever mechanism is available to us to nonviolently pressure for necessary change.

Just Stop Oil supporters are trained in nonviolence. They will undertake all possible steps to ensure that the safety of those using airports, as well as those in the air, will not be compromised by our actions. This includes avoiding going on any active or inactive runways.

Our request for a meeting with Keir Starmer or a member of his cabinet remains open. We seek to negotiate. As ever, we remain open to dialogue with the government. And we are willing to immediately halt taking action should they commit to an international fossil fuel treaty to Just Stop Oil by 2030.

Featured image via Just Stop Oil/the Canary

By Steve Topple

This post was originally published on Canary.