BBC caught spouting propaganda for the yoons in the Labour government

Many people considered the BBC not a public service broadcaster, but a mouthpiece for successive Conservative Party governments. Of course, this couldn’t be further from the truth – as a convenient piece of propaganda on behalf of the Labour government shows. The subject? Great British Energy.

BBC: pushing the yoons over Great British Energy

BBC Reporting Scotland is the broadcaster’s main news programme for Scotland. On Tuesday 3 September its host Laura Miller dropped a clanger of a ‘mistake’ over a Labour government policy. Well – we say ‘mistake’. Make your own mind up if it was intentional or not. This is because Miller would have been reading from an autocue. And it would have been signed off by senior editors:

The Canary has extensively reported on why Great British Energy is probably NOT an energy generation company. What it is, is a private investment vehicle. As Hannah Sharland previously wrote:

Sure, there are some positive green steps. Nevertheless, old capitalism habits die hard – and the case of Great British Energy is no exception to this. When push comes to shove, Labour is finding new, more publicly-palatable ways to funnel money from the public purse into the pockets of corporate capitalists.

Oh, and it will also make a load of cash for king Charles.

However, the government website says:

Great British Energy will be a publicly owned, clean-energy company. It will own, manage and operate clean power projects, such as wind farms, up and down the country.

It will be headquartered in Scotland and paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants.

So – will Great British Energy generate energy or not? As Friends of the Earth Scotland told Business Green:

The deliberate ambiguity around GB Energy means it is still hard to judge when it will be functional or whether it will be creating jobs for offshore energy workers or investment managers.

The SNP are also pushing back against GB Energy being headquartered in Aberdeen, due to the risk of job losses elsewhere. So, cue the yoons at the Beeb to shore-up the Labour government’s plan.

Predictably, people were not impressed with this latest piece of BBC propaganda:

This all is par for the course, though, when it comes to our public service broadcaster – as it is little more than an arm of government, regardless of what party is in charge.

State bias is par for the course

For example, during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the BBC was essentially on a wartime footing. It was pumping out pro-government narratives without question; at times even questioning the facts from a Tory perspective. This was not much different to the BBC‘s role in WWII.

It’s also the same agenda that led it to it being directly involved in espionage during the 1953 Iranian coup. It’s the same MO that led Andrew Marr to stand outside Downing Street at the end of the Iraq invasion in 2003 and say:

it would be entirely ungracious, even for [Tony Blair’s] critics, not to acknowledge that tonight he stands as a larger man and a stronger prime minister as a result.

Damningly, it’s the same agenda that has seen the BBC repeatedly whitewash Israel’s war crimes and genocide since 7 October – while treating Palestinians as underclass citizens.

It also means the BBC is consistently pro-Yoon when it comes to Scotland. The broadcaster exercises “soft power” on behalf of Westminster to make the case for Scotland to remain in the United Kingdom. In the same way in 2016 the government gave the broadcaster an additional £289m to launch radio services in North Korea.

Let’s be clear: the UK government gave the BBC money to push Western propaganda in North Korea (probably with the goal of attempting to destabilise the country). This is exactly what BBC Scotland aims to do – except not destabilise, but maintain the union.

So, it may seem innocuous that BBC Reporting Scotland called GB Energy an energy generation company. However, it is just one example in a long line of them regarding how the broadcaster shills for the union – regardless of which party is in power in Westminster.

Featured image via MSM Monitor – X 

By Steve Topple

This post was originally published on Canary.