Global Affairs Canada’s millions to promote imperial ‘feminism’ in Africa

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Written by: Marthad Umucyaba

Canadian foreign minister Melanie Joly, along with Global Affairs Canada, have repackaged colonialism towards Africa under the guise of a “feminist foreign policy”, which activists such as Tamara Lorincz have skewered as a complete farce. Millions of dollars will be etched out to NATO-based NGOs such as Search For Common Ground (SFCG), in the amount of $2 million CAD, to ‘battle disinformation’. These programs are there to promote the NATO party line on domestic issues, and effectively bribe whoever is necessary to align the narratives with NATO political objectives.

The latest indication of this criminal mission is the $2 million CAD given specifically to the American pro-colonial NGO, Search for Common Ground. SFCG is already running propaganda to promote the US annexation of Southern Sudan in 2011 and to downplay the cause of the explosion of further pro-colonial violence in 2013.

This round of funding exclusively targets the “anti-democratic” Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, with a third of funds being allocated to each target country respectively. Canada’s government expects to see “women’s and youth groups” learn much from the program.

Every effort will be made by the NGO to ensure that the ‘golden opportunities’ from Canadian mining continue, with enough challenges to the ‘misinformation’ that comes from those who oppose the colonial resource extraction. Upon failing that, there will be further ‘youth activism’ to ‘restore democratic rights’.

In fairness to the government, ‘public consultations’ are in effect from now until September 15, 2024. However, since it turns out many of the ‘grassroots’ movements concerning Africa are actually government financed, one can expect the result of the ‘consultations’ to ‘overwhelmingly’ represent the government opinion on exporting imperial ‘feminism’.

The pro-colonial “feminist” program

One of the noted highlights of the program, which specifically works to reach women and youth groups, includes as a loaded phrase, ‘creating a digital threat monitoring training program for civil society actors’. The program further promises to be “producing and disseminating positive and inclusive message on social medias in response to violent digital threats and disinformation”. Despite the promises of coordination with law enforcement in the later sections of the program, there have already been multiple coup attempts against the Burkinabé president Ibrahim Traoré, linked to NATO.

This translates to the general threat of NATO controlled social media and messaging apps concealing threats to the stability of the target state for the sake of a pro-colonial coup, as was seen in Urumqi in 2009, when China was forced to shutdown Facebook and Twitter, and during the infamous Arab Spring in Syria.

The context of current imperial “feminist” programs in the Sahel

NATO-led mining in the Sahel is about to make a brutal exit. Shameless cat and mouse games with underground NATO assets under various flavours of Wahhabism, were a pretext for extended military occupation. After the impoverishment of the population with the complicity of ‘democratic’ elections, the popularly installed military governments that came in reaction have made various moves to expel all NATO based mining companies.

Canada stands to lose the most, with a 75 per cent stake in mining operations worldwide, and an established role in NATO as the chief exploiter of raw materials from the Global South. Canada must struggle to make the case for the ‘white master race’ to continue exploiting the Sahel at the expense of the ‘inferior black race’.

Melanie Joly and Global Affairs Canada have decided to intervene and show how bad the ‘inferior black race’ is at defending women’s rights. The main goal is to use the ‘promise’ of imperial ‘feminism’ to condemn the society of the Sahel, notably majority Muslim, and battle ‘misinformation’. In other words, use imperial ‘feminism’ NGOs to defeat opponents of the neo-colonial occupation of the Sahel and opponents of the NATO mining companies.

A brief history of NATO imperial “feminist” programs in Africa and West Asia

The primary goal of the NATO-based NGO imperial ‘feminist’ programs in Africa and West Asia are to undermine the social fabric of the country and show the ‘superiority’ of western liberal values, while stealing resources behind the scenes. Targets can be any society outside of the European social model, but the main focus in recent years has been majority Muslim nations in Africa and West Asia where all of the raw materials and petroleum are.

The latest to engage in this shameless hypocrisy is the United Nations. The United Nations, for example, wrote a statement in March 2024 condemning the Islamic Republic of Iran’s treatment of women during the crackdown on the colour revolution. Naturally, there is also an extensive network of ‘democratic’ NGOs where money from the UN and NATO is laundered in order to ‘restore democracy’.

The United Nations has also set a standard based on ‘western values’ concerning women’s rights, and made ‘recommendations’ and criticisms of Niger’s laws, which are based on the Islamic Shari’a. One of the objections in the report was that the wali needed to consent to the marriage (as if Muslim fathers should not be trusted to look after their own daughters). As expected, the $2 million CAD to Search for Common Ground will ensure that the ‘standards’ will be met.

NATO predation against the women of the Global South

As the United Nations regurgitates the ‘feminist foreign policy’, their soldiers regularly engage in predatory actions against the women of the Global South, in particular when NATO soldiers take up the ‘peacekeeping’ uniform. Regular sexual abuses occurred from the ‘blue helmets’ since the peacekeeping mission in Cambodia in 1992. MONUSCO had data leaked about soldiers from four member states engaging in sexual abuses in Bunia, DRC in 2007. The shocking statements in the report, implicating NATO and their criminal involvement, were as follows. As a reminder, this is the organisation that does not want the Muslim family’s father to get involved:

  • “All victims and witnesses interviewed referred to babies fathered by UN peacekeepers as “white babies”,…”

  • “Two of the girls were beaten, including on their breasts, and held overnight in custody, while the third was set free in order to get $5 for the release of the other two, which she allegedly received from a Member State 1 peacekeeper”

  • “Several victims attended ID/OIOS interviews with their babies whom they claimed were fathered by peacekeepers. All but one of the babies were noted by investigators to be fair-skinned”

Naturally, the list of incidents of sexual violence by NATO military occupations is endless, especially if you include the UN cables.

Hypocrisy has reached the highest form in Melanie Joly

        “Since July, 270 NGOs have been shut down in Belarus” – BBC Reporter (0:00-0:06)

“Save your breath. I’ll answer your question. We’ll massacre all of the scum that you have been financing. Oh, you’re upset that we’ve destroyed all your little structures! Your NGOs, whatever they are, that you’ve been paying for. We didn’t touch people who worked for the good of Belarus, who helped people. But the people who used your assistance, got funding from you, and smashed everything up here…your people you saw here in Minsk. If we haven’t liquidated them here already, we will do so in the near future.”

Canada’s foreign minister, Melanie Joly, is a dangerous war criminal at large, aiding and abetting a genocide largely targeting women and children in Palestine. She has issued sanctions against the Palestinian government being subjected to a genocide, and has openly called for the men whose women and children are being massacred in that genocide to disarm in order to make the genocide easier. Among the victims of the political persecution initiated by Melanie Joly and her fellow white supremacist NATO allies is an African philanthropist from Sudan by the name of Abdelbasit Hamza Elhassan Mohamed Khair.

Now she is declaring, through $2 million CAD to Search for Common Ground, and millions more to Africa-based ‘projects to defend democracy’, that the people of the Sahel must endorse the NATO version of imperial “feminism” or be subjected to the destabilising and criminal practices of NATO in the realm of “international relations”. This means establishing a pretext for sanctions, and laying the groundwork to effectively bribe ‘activists’ into supporting a traitorous coup in their own country that will reimpose international racial caste. Imperial “feminism”, in fact, is just a ploy for white supremacy under the cover of liberal values, giving a free licence for white men to prey on the coloured women of the world. Expect a backlash from the continent to happen sooner rather than later.

Marthad Shingiro Umucyaba (formerly referred to as Christian Shingiro) is a Rwandan-born naturalized Canadian expat. He is known for his participation in Communist/anti-imperialist national and international politics and is the radio show host of The Socially Radical Guitarist.

He is also a freelance web developer in Hong Kong, China, striving to provide “Socially Radical Web Design at a socially reasonable price”.

Editor’s note: The Canada Files is the country’s only news outlet focused on Canadian foreign policy. We’ve provided critical investigations & hard-hitting analysis on Canadian foreign policy since 2019, and need your support.
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