Tibet Under Threat: Coercive Chinese Measures Revealed

Tibet Under Threat: Coercive Chinese Measures Revealed

Image: researched/verified by @tibettruth

Chinese and Tibetan cadres, blind followers of China’s totalitarian ideology, gathered in Lhasa September 2 – 4 to discuss and agree a range of measures designed to tighten the grip of Xi Jinping’s regime and further eradicate Tibetan national and cultural identity.

Tibet Under Threat: Coercive Chinese Measures Revealed

Image: researched and verified by @tibettruth

Presided over by Wang Junzheng (above) Communist Party Secretary the delegates, when not offering up robotic applause, were ordered to intensify efforts to: “..implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the work of Tibet and the Party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, to further deepen reforms..”. The phrase ‘reform’ is a widely used euphemism by the Chinese Regime to mask coercive measures, human rights violations and denial of basic freedoms.

There was also an exhortation to: Firmly establish the overall concept of national security, take the maintenance of stability as the first task, adhere to the casting of a firm sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, adhere to the promotion of the Chineseization (sic) of Tibetan Buddhism, to lay a solid foundation for long-term peace and stability.”.

This post was originally published on Digital Activism In Support Of Tibetan Independence.