CPJ, SPJ, journalist groups call on Trump administration to restore AP access to White House  

We, the undersigned coalition of journalism and press freedom organizations, express our deep concern regarding the White House’s decision to bar Associated Press (AP) reporters from access to the Oval Office, Air Force One and other White House pool events.

AP provides essential reporting that is published by thousands of outlets across the United States and around the world, helping to keep millions informed on matters of national and international importance. U.S. newspapers, radio stations, and television broadcasters rely heavily on the AP’s copy to deliver news to local communities. Barring AP effectively removes these media outlets’ ability to deliver the news to the groups they serve. 

Limiting AP’s access to media pool events because of the news agency’s editorial and style decisions stifles freedom of speech and violates the First Amendment. News organizations should be allowed to make editorial decisions without fear of retaliation from government officials. 

We ask that the administration honor its commitment to freedom of expression, as outlined in President Donald Trump’s executive order, by restoring AP’s access to White House events and ensuring the administration upholds a nonpartisan defense of a free press. 

Signed by– 

Committee to Protect Journalists

Society of Professional Journalists

Freedom of the Press Foundation

Free Press Unlimited

International Press Institute 

Institute for Nonprofit News

National Press Club

National Press Photographers Association

PEN America

Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

Student Press Law Center

Chapters of the Society of Professional Journalists

Arkansas Pro Chapter, Society of Professional Journalists
Boston University Society of Professional Journalists
Chicago Headline Club (SPJ)
Colorado Pro Chapter, SPJ
Connecticut Society of Professional Journalists
Detroit Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
Georgia Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
Hawaii Pro Chapter SPJ
Indiana Professional Chapter, Society of Professional Journalists
Las Vegas Pro Chapter, Society of Professional Journalists
Maine Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
Minnesota SPJ
New Jersey Society of Professional Journalists
SPJ Florida
SPJ Houston Pro Chapter
SPJ Kansas Pro Chapter
SPJ Keystone Pro Chapter
SPJ New England
SPJ Northwest Arkansas Pro Chapter
SPJ San Antonio Pro Chapter
SPJ San Diego Pro Chapter
SPJ University of Arkansas Chapter
SPJ Valley of the Sun (Arizona) Pro Chapter
SPJ Virginia Pro Chapter
St. Louis Society of Professional Journalists, Pro Chapter
The Deadline Club (New York City Chapter of SPJ)
The Press Club of Long Island (SPJ)
Utah Headliners Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists
Washington, D.C., Pro SPJ Chapter

This content originally appeared on Committee to Protect Journalists and was authored by Committee to Protect Journalists.

This post was originally published on Radio Free.