Food shortages hit UK as Brexiters and Remainers argue over who’s to blame

Food shortages have hit the UK, allegedly due to the impacts of Brexit. Remainers seem almost gleeful that they’ve been proven right. Equally, however, those who still support leaving the EU are in a state of denial.

The shortages seem to be due to a mix of weather issues, fuel, and several other factors – including Brexit. All this comes as Aldi, Asda, and Morrisons announced they were rationing vegetables.

Empty shelves

Various outlets tweeted images of empty supermarket shelves, including the Jeremy Vine show:

CNN reporter Ika Ferrer Gotić also got in on the act, putting the shortfall squarely down to Brexit:

Farage to blame?

EU Flag Twitter seemed to be quite enthused about something new to have a go at Nigel Farage about – and fair play to them really:

Broadcaster Jemma Forte shared a report from Ukraine which claimed that it was easier to get tomatoes in the war-ravaged country than in the UK:

Another Twitter user reminded us how the warnings about Brexit which had largely been downplayed have repeatedly proven true:

And a WW2 museum in Liverpool jokingly (probably) urged visitors not to eat the plastic from its displays:

Brexit denials

Naturally some of the more fanatical Brexiters opted to blame the news on some sort of woke vegetable conspiracy. Shockingly for everyone, one of these was right-wing Twitter silly person Darren Grimes:

Meanwhile, agriculture minister Thérèse Coffey took to the House of Commons and, with typical dynamism, urged people to engage with the mighty British turnip:

A lot of people would be eating turnips right now rather than thinking necessarily about aspects of lettuce and tomatoes and similar, but I’m conscious that consumers want a year-round choice and that is what our supermarkets, food producers and growers around the world try to satisfy.

Though precisely which aspects of lettuce she meant remains unclear. Possibly the metaphysical; who can say?

Rise of the planet of the Megaherons

However, first prize must go to Twitter satirist TechnicallyRon. Ron conjured a vision we can all get behind: of Britain as a tomato-less wasteland in which gigantic mutant heron carries away our children:

And I don’t know about you, but if the other option is listening to EU Flag Twitter and Darren Grimes shriek at each other on Twitter, I’ll take a lonely death in the sodden trenches of the coming Turnip Wars every time.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons/David Smith, cropped to 770 x 403, licenced under CC BY 2.0.

By Joe Glenton

This post was originally published on Canary.