Reaction: U.N. stocktake report warns world off-track to cut emissions

The United Nations global stocktake report on global emissions warns the world is dangerously off-track and running out of time. I wanted you to have our reaction.

“This report makes clear that President Biden is squandering precious time every second he fails to take bold action on fossil fuels,” said Jean Su, energy justice director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Every day we’re seeing and feeling the harms of fossil-fueled climate change from extreme heat to deadly wildfires and devastating floods. As leader of the world’s largest oil and gas producer, Biden has more power than anyone to stop expanding the fossil fuels driving this deadly crisis. Ahead of the U.N.’s Climate Ambition Summit, thousands of people will be in the streets of New York on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels. This is the perfect opportunity for Biden to declare a climate emergency, use all his executive powers to phase out fossil fuels, and finally secure a legacy as a climate leader.”

This post was originally published on Common Dreams.