[Event] Webinar: Understanding politics and elections in Bangladesh














FORUM-ASIA and ANFREL invite you to a webinar on Bangladesh elections on 11 December 2023 at 4 pm (Bangkok time).

This webinar serves as a platform to shed light on the human rights violations that pose a significant threat to the democratic electoral process in Bangladesh in the lead-up to the January 2024 elections. Speakers will address the following key areas and elucidate their impact on the electoral processes.

These discussions will be conducted in the context of a diminishing civic space in the run-up to the national elections scheduled for January 2024. The speakers aim to offer viewers a comprehensive understanding of the undemocratic aspects of the election process in Bangladesh and the substantial human rights violations associated with it.

The webinar also aims to foster discussions on the nature of the electoral process that Bangladesh can anticipate as it approaches the elections in January 2024. The event is designed to facilitate informed dialogue on these pressing issues and their implications for the democratic processes in Bangladesh.


  1. Sanjida Islam – Coordinator and Key Organiser, Maayer Daak (Oppression against human rights activists, opposition party members and individuals with dissenting voices)
  2. Mubashar Hasan – Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Oslo, Norway (The politicisation of the Judiciary and the influence of the ruling party). Mubashar Hasan is a Research Fellow at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo. He is also an adjunct fellow at the Humanitarian and Development Research Initiative in University of Western Sydney, Australia. He has published widely in academic journals and co-edited Radicalization in South Asia published in 2019.
  3. Saydia Gulrukh – Journalist, New Age (Oppression against the Media). Saydia Gulrukh Kamal is a journalist working for the newspaper “New Age” and a labour rights defender. In the past decade, she has campaigned to bring justice for the victims of incidents in garment factories, such as the 2012 Tazreen factory fire that killed at least 112 workers and the 2013 Savar Building (Rana Plaza) collapse, where 1129 people were killed.
  4. John Reiner Antiquerra – Senior Programme Officer for Outreach and Communication, ANFREL (Moderator)

This post was originally published on FORUM-ASIA.