Ep.308: Identifying Animal: DxE’s Co-Founder Wayne Hsiung on The Risks of Animal Rescue.

Wayne Hsiung was released on December 9, 2023 after serving a sentence of 38 days in a Sonoma County (Calif.) jail for trying to free animals from the cruelty of factory farms. I talked to Wayne as he prepared for the trial earlier in the year. He was optimistic, considering he had just beaten the attempts in Utah to convict him on similar charges. As we recount 2023, we reprise my conversation with Wayne in this encore podcast presentation.

Read about Hsiung’s Sonoma Country conviction on his Substack blog, The Simple Heart.

Take action for the animals. Read about Smithfield case.

Go to PETA.org.

The PETA Podcast

PETA, the world’s largest animal rights organization, is 9 million strong and growing. This is the place to find out why. Hear from insiders, thought leaders, activists, investigators, politicians, and others why animals need more than kindness—they have the right not to be abused or exploited in any way.

Hosted by Emil Guillermo.

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Originally released Dec. 26,  2023.

©PETA, Emil Guillermo 2023 

This post was originally published on THE PETA PODCAST.