Science Group Celebrates Landmark Decision for Offshore Wind

WASHINGTON – The Department of the Interior has released the Vineyard Wind Record of Decision, signing off on the first large-scale offshore wind project in the United States. Offshore wind is a key clean energy solution and valuable tool for reducing pollution from the power sector, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). 

Below is a statement by John Rogers, senior energy analyst at UCS.

“This is a really important milestone for U.S. offshore wind, and incredibly exciting not just for this project, but the queue of other offshore wind projects under development. This signals the new administration’s commitment to scientific process and is a really promising sign for clean energy to come. 

“As the first large-scale deployment of offshore wind in the U.S., this project will also be an opportunity to build on our knowledge of how best to fit this important technology into our marine environment. We’ll need to monitor impacts and adjust as the science develops, so we can apply these lessons to make sure we continue advancing offshore wind responsibly. 

“The wind off our coasts has the potential to help us drastically reduce carbon emissions from our electricity use, while helping us meet coastal states’ large power needs and drive economic development on the coasts and beyond. Today’s decision signals that the U.S. offshore wind journey is now well and truly underway.”

This post was originally published on Radio Free.