Someone asked me a kind, knowing question the other day: How’s your spirit?
He was asking for, you know, reasons.
I thought I would pass on the question to you, ten days since the political earthquake, and as we go into another weekend.
How’s your spirit?
These open forums are for our subscribers, and, as such, we expect people to be generous and open, to listen and to share. This is not for anyone with an internet connection. This is your space.
We hope The Ink will be essential to the thinking and reimagining and reckoning and doing that all lie ahead. We want to thank you for being a part of what we are and what we do, and we promise you that this community is going to find every way possible to be there for you in the times that lie ahead and be there for this country and for what it can be still.
This post was originally published on The.Ink.