WATCH: Unflinching New Video Shows Cruelty Behind Monkey Abduction Pipeline

A stunning news documentary from Bloomberg Investigates detailing the deadly trade in monkeys—from forest abduction to laboratory torment—was just released and you must not miss it! The video of the monkeys stolen from their homes shows how very urgent our work is and the interview with PETA primate scientist Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel helps explain why it’s crucial.

Please watch this short—26 minutes—video now.

You will see why we must keep monkeys out of laboratories and in their forest homes where they belong, while the insatiable demand of U.S. experimenters continually pushes these monkeys to extinction and threatens to usher in the next pandemic.

“A wild-caught monkey brings in everything with them, whatever infectious diseases they have. No scientist worth their salt would ever use a wild-caught monkey.”

—Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel, PETA                                                      

Screencap of Dr. Lisa

The documentary also details the U.S. Fish and Wildlife investigation that exposed the illegal trade and the subsequent trial that revealed widespread monkey laundering, with an estimated 30,000 wild monkeys being purchased by U.S. companies including Charles River Laboratories, INOTIV, and Worldwide Primates, Inc.

“There are seven more indicted individuals who the U.S. is waiting to bring to trial. And what this trial really did was show that this is happening. Wild monkeys are being injected into the U.S. biomedical industry and that has huge consequences. And prior to this case no one ever spoke about that.”

—Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel, PETA

When, in early 2023, Charles River had five shipments of Cambodian-origin monkeys denied clearance into the U.S., the company shifted its imports to Canada. 

When you’re done viewing, please share this important information with five friends—or more.

If you have not already, please help us shut down the monkey abduction pipeline by urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stop allowing the importation of ALL monkeys for laboratory experiments.

monkey in shipping crate

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This post was originally published on Animal Rights and Campaign News | PETA.