Only the strong escaped to safety, as evidence builds that thousands of Afghans entitled to come to Britain still remain in Kabul
When the email arrived last Tuesday, Faaiz Ghulam and his young family were euphoric. Approved for evacuation, they were instructed to head straight to the west gate of Kabul’s Baron Hotel. There, British officials would process their case. Next step, the UK.
Yet Ghulam, his wife and their two children – an 18-month-old daughter and three-year-old son – are today in hiding in Kabul, terrified for their lives. Their first attempt to reach the hotel ended at a Taliban checkpoint. A second was abandoned over safety concerns as Ghulam and his wife carried their children through febrile crowds outside the airport.
Related: Afghanistan live news: last dedicated civilian flight to UK has left Kabul, says Ministry of Defence
Continue reading…This post was originally published on Human rights | The Guardian.